Living Legacy

Learn Why Real Estate Investors Need an Association


Real estate investor associations exist to help real estate investors succeed through education, networking, and access to deals.

Real estate investing became popular in the 1920s and 1930s as a way for people to generate residual income during retirement. It involved buying rental properties and collecting steady cash flow. Over time, real estate investing evolved to include flipping houses, wholesaling properties, and other strategies beyond buy-and-hold rentals.

The National Real Estate Investors Association was founded in 1978 by a group of investors looking to share knowledge and pool their resources. It started as a local club and expanded nationally to over 50,000 members today. The association provides benefits like educational workshops, networking events, investment opportunities, mentoring programs, industry advocacy, and access to vendors serving real estate investors. Members range from new investors doing their first deal to seasoned professionals with large portfolios.

Membership Benefits

Joining a real estate investors association provides many valuable benefits for members. Here are some of the key advantages of membership:

Networking Opportunities

One of the biggest membership perks is gaining access to a network of like-minded real estate investors. Associations host various networking events, meetings, and social gatherings that enable members to connect with each other. Building relationships with other investors can lead to deal-sharing, partnerships, referrals, advice, and more.

Educational Events and Training

Most associations offer educational programming to help members improve their real estate investing skills. This may include seminars, conferences, courses, workshops, and training programs on topics like financing, property analysis, rehabbing, legal issues, and more. Members can stay up-to-date on the latest real estate strategies and best practices.

Access to Deals

Associations provide access to investment opportunities that members may not find on their own. Many have deal-sharing networks where members can list investment properties, find deals, or partner up on projects. There are often discounted rates for members on properties listed through the association’s network.

Mentorship Programs

Mentorship programs allow newer investors to learn from experienced ones. Associations facilitate mentor-mentee relationships as well as mastermind groups. Getting advice from seasoned investors reduces rookie mistakes and helps members take their business to the next level.

Educational Programs

Real estate investor associations provide a wealth of educational opportunities for members to expand their investing knowledge and skills. Associations offer various formats of educational programming, including:

Seminars and Conferences

  • Multi-day conferences feature keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and panels led by industry experts and successful investors. These large-scale events allow attendees to immerse themselves in learning and networking.
  • One-day seminars focus on a specific real estate investing topic, like flipping houses, rental property investing, commercial real estate, property management, and more. Attendees can dive deep into a subject to build their skills.
  • Webinars are online seminar events that members can access from anywhere. Topics are timely and taught by seasoned professionals.

Workshops and Bootcamps

  • Hands-on workshops offer small group instruction and practical learning experiences related to real estate investing, such as evaluating properties, financing, estimating rehab costs, and performing due diligence.
  • Intensive bootcamps provide multi-day training programs that guide new investors step-by-step through the entire process of executing their first investment deal.

Certification Courses

  • Associations may offer certification courses on topics like property management, real estate valuation, commercial investment analysis, and leadership. Obtaining certifications can give investors a professional edge.
  • Continuing education courses allow members to stay current on industry changes, new regulations, and best practices. These courses help satisfy annual licensing requirements in some states.

By participating in these impactful educational offerings, real estate investors can dramatically accelerate their learning curve and take their investing business to the next level.

Networking Events

Real estate investor associations provide members with ample opportunities to network with fellow investors, industry professionals, and service providers. Networking is a critical component of success in real estate investing, as connections lead to deals, partnerships, and access to key resources.

Associations host networking events on a regular basis, both locally and nationally. These include:

  • Monthly Meetups: Local chapter meetings are held monthly in most metro areas. Meetups provide a chance to connect with other investors in your city about deals, strategies, and local market conditions. Experienced investors often attend to offer insights and advice.
  • Annual Conferences: Large national conferences bring together thousands of investors from across the country. You’ll find top-notch education sessions as well as lots of time to network in halls, meals, and evening socials. It’s a prime spot to make connections.
  • Industry Expos: Expos with a trade show floor enable you to meet vendors who cater to real estate investors. You can shop for services, make connections, and learn about new products relevant to your business.
  • Social Gatherings: Happy hours, parties, golf outings, and informal meetups are regularly planned. These social settings allow for networking in a more relaxed atmosphere. You’re likely to form stronger relationships through shared interests.

The breadth of networking events is a major perk of joining a real estate investor association. Making personal connections in this industry is invaluable, leading to increased knowledge, better business opportunities, and potential partnerships. The events make growing your network easy and enjoyable.

Access to Deals

Joining a real estate investors association provides members with unique access to investment opportunities that aren’t available on the open market. Associations facilitate deal sharing between members through private networks and forums. These off-market opportunities allow investors to find discounted properties, hard money loans, and potential joint venture partners.

Some associations organize formal deal sharing networks where members can list investment properties, financing offers, or other opportunities open only to fellow members. Investors may list deals they don’t have the capacity to complete on their own and find partners to jointly acquire and manage the properties. Other members can browse available deals to find off-market opportunities matching their investment goals and criteria.

Informal deal sharing also occurs through member forums and networking events. Seasoned investors often bring new deals to the association before listing them publicly. New members gain access to off-market properties they wouldn’t find on their own. Joint ventures form organically when members with complementary skills meet through the association.

The extensive trust networks built through real estate investor associations provide unique access to discounted properties and financing. Members more easily find off-market opportunities, investment partners, and mentorship to grow their business. The deal flow and joint venture potential give members an advantage and accelerate their investing success.


Joining a real estate investors association provides invaluable mentorship opportunities from seasoned investors. Many associations offer formal mentorship programs that pair new investors with experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support.

Mentorship programs often involve:

  • One-on-one mentor matching: New investors are matched with vetted, experienced mentors based on compatibility, experience, investing niches, and goals. This facilitates open and honest advice and support.
  • Mastermind groups: Small groups of investors at similar experience levels meet regularly to discuss deals, strategies, challenges, and successes in a peer mentoring format. This allows sharing diverse perspectives.
  • Coaching programs: More intensive structured coaching helps investors execute strategies and grow their business with expert guidance. Coaches provide accountability, targeted advice, and practical training.

Beyond formal programs, networking at association events creates organic mentorship opportunities. New investors can build relationships with veteran investors who can provide invaluable perspective, experience, and contacts. Access to this real-world knowledge shortens the learning curve tremendously compared to figuring it out alone. Mentorship is one of the most impactful benefits associations offer investors at any experience level.


Real estate investor associations provide advocacy and lobbying efforts on behalf of their members. Associations work to promote laws, regulations, and policies that benefit real estate investors and property owners.

Some key advocacy efforts may include:

  • Lobbying for lower property taxes and transfer taxes that impact real estate transactions. Investor associations may meet with state and local officials to argue for tax policies that encourage rather than discourage real estate investment.
  • Supporting landlord-tenant laws that balance the needs of both groups. Associations provide input on proposed regulations to ensure they are workable for rental property owners.
  • Promoting policies that ease barriers to new construction and development. By lobbying for streamlined permitting and zoning policies, associations hope to increase housing supply.
  • Advocating against rent control laws and other forms of “over-regulation” that restricts landlord profits and flexibility. Associations argue these laws discourage investment and ultimately reduce available affordable housing.
  • Resisting eminent domain laws that allow governments to seize private property for other uses. Associations contend this amounts to an unconstitutional “taking” of property without due compensation.

By banding together, real estate investors gain a louder voice in the political process to advocate for a more favorable business climate. Associations amplify the interests of their members and provide grassroots mobilization and lobbying resources individual investors would lack on their own. Advocacy remains a key benefit of joining a real estate investor association.

Member Resources

An underappreciated benefit of joining a real estate investors association is access to member resources that can save time and money. Many associations provide a wealth of materials to help investors at any stage of their journey.

Educational Materials

Associations often provide libraries of educational materials to help investors expand their knowledge. These may include guidebooks, video tutorials, article archives, glossaries of key terms, and more. For novice investors, this can provide a solid foundation in real estate investment concepts and strategies. More experienced investors can deepen their expertise in specialized topics.

Market Data and Analysis

Access to market data and analysis is invaluable for understanding trends and opportunities. Associations subscribe to the same data sources professionals use to spot promising investment areas. Members can access localized market reports tracking vacancy rates, rents, prices, new construction, demographics, and more.

Sample Documents and Templates

Associations provide sample real estate contracts, forms, spreadsheets, presentations, business plans, and other documents. Investors can use these as templates, saving the time and legal fees of creating them from scratch. Having professionally crafted examples helps investors avoid mistakes in critical documents.

By tapping into these member resources, investors can pursue more informed and strategic investing. The knowledge, data, and tools associations provide give investors an edge in a competitive marketplace.

Joining an Association

Joining a real estate investors association provides numerous benefits, but first you’ll need to become a member. Here’s what you need to know about the process:

Membership Requirements

Most associations have some requirements for membership. This often includes being actively involved in real estate investing in some capacity. For example, you may need to own a certain number of investment properties or have completed a set number of deals. Confirm the specific requirements of the association before applying.


There is usually an annual membership fee to join an association. This helps cover the organization’s expenses. The fee amount varies but is generally affordable, often $100-500 per year. Many associations offer discounted rates for the first year. Some also have sponsorship programs that cover membership costs.

Application Process

To become a member, you’ll need to submit an application with any required documentation. This usually includes proof of being an active real estate investor. Most associations have applications available on their website. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed and approved if you meet the requirements. You’ll then be able to activate your membership and start accessing benefits.

Joining a real estate investors association opens up a wealth of resources, education, and connections. Just be sure to research options, meet the membership criteria, pay any dues, and complete the application process. The investment will be well worth it for your investing business.

Choosing an Association

When selecting a real estate investors association to join, it’s important to do your research and find the right fit. Here are some tips for choosing an association:

  • Research and compare associations in your area. Search online and look at multiple options. Consider the specialties, experience levels, and types of real estate investing they cater to. For example, some focus on flippers, while others on commercial or buy and hold strategies.
  • Consider the location. Joining a local association where you’ll attend events and meet people is ideal. However, there are also useful national associations to consider if a local one is lacking.
  • Evaluate the size. Both large and small associations have pros and cons. Larger ones will likely have more clout, networking, and famous expert speakers. Smaller ones allow for more personal connections and mentorship.
  • Review membership costs. The fees vary greatly so weigh the benefits versus costs. Also find out if there are discounts for new or young investors.
  • Look at new member resources. An ideal association will provide support to help you get started and make connections. Mentorship programs and access to deals can give new investors a head start.
  • Make sure it aligns with your goals. Ensure the association’s focus, values, and community will help support your investing goals and education. Finding the right fit will make membership worthwhile.

Doing thorough research is key to choosing a top real estate investing association that provides value. Weigh all the factors carefully to find the right one for your needs and at the right stage of your career. An engaged association can greatly benefit your long-term investing success.

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